Message from Dr. Atta ur Rahman to Students of PAKISTAN

Dear Colleagues
In a shocking move, the present government approved the shredding of the Higher Education Commission into pieces and handing the functions to the provinces. The Cabinet formally approved this last week.READ MORE

Newspapers Articles

Doctor Abdul Qadeer Khan is giving his view about devolution of HEC - informative article published in jang newspaper
Doctor Abdul Qadeer Khan is giving his view about devolution of HEC - informative article published in jang newspaper

News in Nawai Waqat April 11, 2011 about Devolution of HEC

Ye Ho Jaye Ga by Javed Chaudhry Ye Ho Jaye Ga by Javed Chaudhry A very informative article from famous column writer JAVED CHAUDHRY...he revilled truth about devolution of HEC in his words.